
Mixed feelings about gaining

I'm sure there must have been many prior threads of this type, but I have to make one.

So, I've gained a good bit over the past year or so, 20-25+ lbs.

Does it make sense that a few times I've wondered, "What the hell am I doing?" Have I really gained this much?!

Yet at the same time, I've learned to really love triple burgers, larger dinners, more dessert than before, and so on. A good way to end a weekday seems to be either to eat lots of candy washed down with half and half, or one of my fat shakes (pint of cream + flavor syrup). Or to eat large sandwiches. Damn, I'm already dreaming of a Jimmy John's sandwich with extra cheese and mayo right now.

I sometimes wish I wasn't close to outgrowing the bigger clothes I got to accommodate my initial weight gain, or that I'm now considering going to the jeweler to add a little size to my jewelry. But at the same time, I kind of DO like it. If it wasn't for my parents (who oddly enough haven't said anything yet), and to a slightly lesser degree some current financial considerations (not begging here), I sometimes to often think I'd like to get much larger.

I'm still as much of an FA with some feeder tendencies as I was before, or perhaps even more so. I know that if I continue down this path, I will likely not just want, but NEED a BBW. A big sexy BBW foodie.

As much as I may not want to reach 170, then 200, then 220ish, at the same time I kind of also DO want to. Does this make any sense?
5 years